Sep 25, 2023Liked by Varun Shenoy

Varun, good article! I’m wondering if we can translate your blog into Chinese and post it on the Chinese community. We will highlight your name and keep the original link on the top of the translated version. Thank you!

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Liked by Varun Shenoy

I believe in open source and use Linux myself, but if it’s the general public who has to decide on what to interact with, then we’ll be in a similar situation as we are in right now when it comes to smartphones. This will come down consumers choosing to stick to Microsoft, as it currently stands. Who knows what Apple will come up with, but they are not famous for throwing dice when it comes to (user) data processing.

I recently addressed this topic in one of my own blog articles, if you’re interested: https://open.substack.com/pub/marknuyens/p/challenging-openai?r=2oo9qe&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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The majority of phones are a closed-source duopoly and are increasingly essential to everyday life, yet open source phones remain hobby projects despite being "better" because you can control them yourself. There is too much power at stake with AI for the entrenched parties to let victory slip through their fingers.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Varun Shenoy

Thank you for an insightful article! Could you please explain how does knowing a probability distribution of tokens (logits) help to guarantee the generation of JSON?

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Agree with the majority of the points outlined in this piece. Many LLM-powered applications, including summarization, do not necessarily require reasoning capabilities, and numerous smaller open-source LLMs are sufficiently adept.

The main hurdle at this point is access - currently, it is still easier to fire a request to OpenAI's API rather than a Llama 2 endpoint. Also, enterprises often find it riskier to rely on open-source models due to the inherent uncertainties associated with them.

Thanks for sharing, Varun!

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This was a great read Varun!

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